Gain career clarity with Paul Teo over a 15 minutes call
Your hope in
At Paul Teo District, we know the importance of values-based growth in teams. In our industry, losing our focus and identity is easy- something I'm familiar with and have gone off track too.
Hence, we are building a family that supports and nurtures you. If you think you're someone looking for purpose beyond you work, this is the team for you. |
Lost your way in life?
Losing focus, going off track is common in this industry, especially when you're alone.
Drinking & wasted nights? Loss of producer awards? Stuck & lost in the career? I've been through it all.
Drinking & wasted nights? Loss of producer awards? Stuck & lost in the career? I've been through it all.
"When you have had a taste of
excellence, you cannot go back to
Door knocking at both landed and HDB areas, learning to hit 1 knock, 1 close, telemarketing to connect with warm and cold leads in both residential and commercial sectors, roadshows to reach out to people from all walks of life, and social media and serach engine advertising to target the right audience; Training Super Business Orientation to hit the ground running with basic sales and paperwork training, targeted topics for specialisation to reach higher levels; Support Open discussions in the office and active group chats to keep details close at hand; and Mentorship with an entire team of leaders dedicating their time and energy to support us. Give us the time, the effort, and we’ll show you how |
Are you the right one?
I'm Paul TeoI'm an experienced agent in the industry since 2008 and these are some highlights of my career-
Unsure what to do? A short call will allow me to coach your further